We offer a high quality in-house embroidery and printing service with low minimum order quantities which is ideal for small-scale jobs. Whether you need a few t-shirts or hoodies for your small business, or a name and number added on to a football shirt we will be able to help. We offer fast turnaround times and competitive prices so contact us for further information.
We have recently been fortunate to receive a grant towards to the cost of purchasing of a 10-needle single-head embroidery machine so that we can expand our business and offer an in-house embroidery service.
This funding has been allocated from Cornwall Council’s Growth Hub Grants Programme. The Growth Hub Grants Programme is part of the Good Growth Programme, which is delivering the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly.
We are able to supply a wide range of different garments to suit your needs and can advise on the most suitable type of decoration. With an excellent eye for detail, we take a real pride in producing an end product that you will be proud to wear.
Low minimum order quantities
Embroidery set-up charge of £25+VAT on your first order

We have a vinyl cutter and heat-press on site which enables us to print single-colour designs onto a range of different products including t-shirts, hoodies, bags and more!
Whether you supply the design, or you want us to produce some ideas for you, this is a cost effective way to create an impression.
No minimum order quantities
No set-up fees